For your vital answers you need 
Vital Questions  


Vital Question....
Are you defaulting to managing what you know how to do, rather than doing what is needed?  


I have worked with many people who have progressed to senior positions and have found themselves questioning how they can better perform in their role (and sometimes questioning is this a role they want to do (see Career Change).

 Often with a successful career behind them it comes as quite a surprise when they find themselves unsure of how they are going to deliver to their usual high standards. Whether it be after a few weeks or a few months (and increasingly years, as the world changes rapidly) they begin to ask themselves questions along the lines of ‘Am I doing the right thing?’ 'Should I be doing more?' ‘What else am I expected to be doing?’ As these questions enter their psyche their feelings of doubt grow and the fear of failure can begin to manifest. Often leaders feel stuck. Searching for answers whether it be in books, online, from courses or perhaps from peers (although there is often a belief that they should not ask for help), the advice comes in many forms, from a multitude of different perspectives, viewpoints, and philosophies. Deciphering all this information and deciding a course of action can be a job in itself.  If they do find what seems like a good approach it usually doesn’t work in practice, so it’s back to more time trying to find the 'right' approach and feeling stuck again. 


With the Vital Questions approach a course of action is created specifically for you, relevant to  your organisation ( or perhaps you are looking for a career change) focused on achieving the results you want and need. Building on your strengths, beliefs, and individual character, we’ll create a change pathway to success, enabling you to achieve the high performance you need.  


If you would like to learn more about my approach, please feel free to book an initial discovery call with me (no fee), alternatively 'Contact me' details can be found at the bottom of the page. I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best 

Vital Questions 

Vital Questions are the key to getting  your vital answers.  You know when you have just an ordinary answer and you know when you have a vital answer (it looks right, it sounds right and above all it just feels right)!  Yet in today's fast changing, complex world it's easy to accept the ordinary even though you know there is something more, something even better, you could be doing.  
Vital Questions enable you to discover your vital answers, the answers that align with your purpose, your values and deliver the results you need.   

About me 


Having held leadership positions across many different functions during my career  (Sales, Operations, Production, Purchasing, Learning & Development) I often became the 'go to' person for  advice.  Intrigued as to how I could improve my 'advice giving' led me to learn more about coaching.  I soon realised whilst giving advice was relatively easy,  it sometimes doesn't result in lasting change. Coaching however does and so it was that I embarked on developing my coaching skills (back in 2004) and from there I haven't looked back. Since then I have coached many different people both independently and whilst working in organisations. It gives me great pleasure helping people excel in their role or  new career, helping them deliver results.  

I live in Reading with my wife and have two sons.  My hobbies include running and football ( season ticket holder at Reading FC for my sins) and more recently carpentry.  I enjoy walking in mountainous regions (but only in the summer)!  Plus reading the odd book or six.  

Click here if you would like to book a 30 minute introductory discovery call with no obligation 

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Professional Qualifications 

Contact Greg
or phone Greg on

Greg Williams - Vital Questions - Executive & Leadership Coaching.